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Webinar – Value: It’s more than you think

Online Delivery

In collaboration with multiple itSMF country chapters, this enlightening session - based upon in-depth research on the subject of “value” – explores the concept of value from multiple perspectives by Ken Wendle.


Webinar – Crafting a Value Vision: Where do you think you’re going?

Online Delivery

In collaboration with multiple itSMF country chapters, this is the 3rd instalment of the 'VALUE' webinar range.  During this insightful, interactive and entertaining session Ken Wendle will focus on the critical value component of “Vision”.


Online Masterclass – Demonstrating the Value of IT

Online Delivery

As ITSM practitioners how can we get started in identifying and progressing Continual Improvement opportunities and how best do we ensure we can demonstrate the business benefits delivered? Find out how here.


Webinar – Alignment: Let’s get focused!

Online Delivery

This session focuses on the critical value component of “Alignment”, extracted from the acclaimed book, “The V*A*L*U*E Formula”, which introduces and explains a fundamental model to help organisations maximise their stakeholder value.


Webinar – Leverage your way to greater VALUE!

Online Delivery

If you don’t understand leverage, you’re probably working too hard. Join this enlightening session to learn how to leverage your way to greater value.


Webinar – Discover your Uniqueness, Increase your Value

Online Delivery

You may have heard this before, but there is truly no one on this planet who is EXACTLY like you. Nor is there another organisation which is EXACTLY like yours. Joining this session might just make a “difference” in your career.


Webinar – Co-creating value in organisations

Online Delivery

Co-creating value in organisations will help you understand how applying ITIL4 and value focussed Enterprise Service Management thinking to your organisation via a Community of Practice can enable you to co-create value for your colleagues, partners, and consumers.


Webinar – The Secret Sauce is Execution: Getting things done

Online Delivery

Why does “getting things done” seem so difficult at times?  You seem to be making progress when all of a sudden so many things just get in the way!  This session focuses on the critical value component of “Execution”


Online Masterclass – Demonstrating the Value of IT

Online Delivery

As ITSM practitioners how can we get started in identifying and progressing Continual Improvement opportunities and how best do we ensure we can demonstrate the business benefits delivered? Find out how here.
