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Online Masterclass – Human-centred design for ITSM

Online Delivery

This masterclass provides a foundation level understanding of human-centred design and IT service management. By the end of the event, delegates will be able to draw upon practical, actionable tools to ensure human-centred design values are being embedded in their workplace.


Online Masterclass – Demonstrating the Value of IT

Online Delivery

As ITSM practitioners how can we get started in identifying and progressing Continual Improvement opportunities and how best do we ensure we can demonstrate the business benefits delivered? Find out how here.


Online Masterclass – Implementing XLAs

Online Delivery

This masterclass is a hands-on practical event designed to help you understand the right experience measures for your business and how you can follow a 9-step approach to build your experience level agreements.


Digital Transformation Business Simulation

Churchill War rooms Clive Steps, King Charles Street, London

Join us at Churchill War rooms, to experience rapid change in a safe, simulated environment, whilst deploying technologies, improving processes and achieving success.


Online Masterclass – Re-imagining the CAB

Online Delivery

This interactive masterclass will provide practical guidance on the techniques and approaches that can be used to define change authorities and ensure that the right people and right approaches are used within those change authorities.


Online Masterclass – IT Asset Management

Online Delivery

IT Asset Management has evolved from an administrative function to a key strategic initiative for the delivery of IT services. From efficient use of IT budgets and meeting compliance obligations to providing a solid foundation for Information Security, IT Asset Management is an essential element of IT Management.


Online Masterclass – Digital Operating Model

Online Delivery

We will discuss how to create a modern digital operating model. An interactive class providing the ingredients and recipe to define, create and transform your target operating model, ready to manage this new digital reality of delivering: better value, sooner, safer, happier and cheaper.


Online Masterclass – Pragmatic Continual Improvement

Online Delivery

As ITSM practitioners how can we get started in identifying and progressing Continual Improvement opportunities and how best do we ensure we can demonstrate the business benefits delivered? Find out how here.


Online Masterclass – IT Service Continuity Management

Online Delivery

IT Service Continuity Management (ITSCM) addresses the gaps in the traditional disaster recovery approach by introducing layers of resilience that provide higher levels of protection. Attend this masterclass to understand how to fine-tune your organisation's approach to IT resiliency.


Digital Transformation Business Simulation

Newcastle United Football Club Newcastle United Football Club, St James Park, Newcastle, United Kingdom

Join us at Newcastle United Football Club, to experience rapid change in a safe, simulated environment, whilst deploying technologies, improving processes and achieving success.
